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Saturday, March 07, 2009

Pay Per Click and Online Advertising

Pay per Click is very much quicker to implement than most other forms of advertising.

PPC is a type of search engine marketing where advertisers pay a determined amount (starting at $0.02) each time their ad is clicked by a prospective customer.
AdWords is probably the biggest and best way to send traffic to your site using pay per click advertising.

This is a cost-effective solution to generating cheap but quality targeted internet traffic to your website.

Sounds easy, doesn't it. Well, it is not that easy as it may seem in the beginning.
But Pay per click is here to stay and is a quick and an inexpensive way to get target visitors to your website.

Is affordable for even the smallest marketing budget and it brings results fast.

Pay Per Click and Online Advertising

Increase Site Traffic

Increasing web site traffic to your web page

If you have an online home based business, increasing web site traffic to your web page is incredibly important. Not only in order to make sales and increase revenues but to continue your business. However, you probably have realized that getting increase targeted web site traffic and getting a high ranking result from the search engines is difficult. In light of that, here are a couple of tips you can use that will help you increase the traffic to your web page.

One of the best ways of increasing web site traffic ranking for a variety of keywords and phrases is to use keyword rich articles on your web page. This will allow you to provide useful information for web surfers as well as include keywords that will help your page get noticed.

When it comes to keyword rich articles, you can either write them yourself or have them written for you. The first thing you need is a list of the most popular keywords and phrases people search for, and then write articles that include useful information which uses the exact keyword phrase multiple times. When someone searches for that particular term, your page will be returned as a high result while increasing web site traffic.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that you need to provide relevant, useful and pertinent information. When it comes to outdoing your competition regarding keywords and search engine results the relevance of your article is essentially increasing web site traffic. If you are creating relevant, keyword rich articles, people will get to your page and will be more likely to stay.

Increase Site Traffic

Internet Traffic. Web Traffic.


Traffic? Who needs traffic? Only those businesses who want to STAY in business need traffic. Only those businesses who wish to grow need traffic. Only those business owners who wish to make a living with their business need traffic. If you don't fit into any of the categories above, then you don't need traffic and you can forget about reading the rest of this article.
For those of you who have continued reading, lets get a little more indepth about the subject of traffic.

I am quite frequently asked, is your guaranteed traffic targeted? Targeted is the buzz word of the Internet selling sector right now. Is "targeted" important? Yes, when it comes to emailing your offer. Why? Because emailing someone who didn't specifically request your information is considered spam. And spamming can get you in all kinds of trouble, the least of which is to lose your ISP (Internet Service Provider - AOL, Earthlink, etc.) connection.

Is targeted traffic important when it comes to programs such as my guaranteed traffic? No! Why not? Because traffic is traffic. Look in your ads in the newspaper. See all sorts of businesses advertising? Listen to your radio. Hear all kinds of advertisements? Look at your TV. Loaded with all kinds of ads? Sure. Why? Because those businesses also know that traffic is traffic. It takes MEGA traffic to get sales - on or off the Internet. And those business know that.

I have businesses using my service who are run by executives who understand the nature of traffic. They know that buying 5,000 visitors to your site one time is not going to accomplish what you want to accomplish. They know that in order to attain real success, it takes much more traffic than that and it takes CONTINUING traffic.

Do you send out one ad, and stop at that? Of course not. Why? Because you know even if you get sales off of that ad, you have to keep sending that ad to different places to hit different people.
Do you build a downline and then quit advertising? Not if you want to keep your business growing! Stagnation=death in the business world. You NEVER sit back and rest on your laurels. You must continually use ALL the avenues available to you.

Microsoft is a big business. They bring in quite a lot of money every day. Bill Gates is a multi-billionaire. Do you see Microsoft not advertising? Why are they advertising? To get TRAFFIC! Why? Because traffic means sales! Do they expect every visitor to their website to buy? No! But they also know that some will return when they are in the market for Microsoft's products. If they hadn't seen the site, they wouldn't have known about it!

If they never see YOUR site, they will never think of you when they want what you offer! The more you get your offer known, the better the odds are they will think of YOU when they are in the market for what you sell.

Online Advertising Visit: website traffic